Have you ever had those moments when you look at your life – or career – and out of nowhere, feel the need to just stop, back up, breathe and figure out where you really want to be?
I’m exactly in that place right now, and wanted to share this with you – from the bottom of my heart.
I’ve never been more proud and honored to write the books that I’ve written, and connect with my readers as we have over the last few years. Y’all make this #WritersLife worth everything I do, let me tell you!
At the same time, something is drawing me deeper – leading me to examine how I can make my books even more aligned with the direction of my soul… and for that reason, I’ve decided to remove my books from publication, and work on a new creative start.
What does this mean for us?
Well, for one, you now own collector’s editions of my Phoenix Decree Saga, and To Each His Own Series. 😉📚🔥
But beyond the books, I’ve always felt that what we have is a relationship. So I’m going to continue keeping in touch here in my journal, and in my newsletter. I will also continue the monthly newsletter VIP giveaway – this month’s prize is a $10 Amazon gift card, and all you need to do to enter is be on my newsletter mailing list. I’ve so enjoyed writing about self care, and productivity tips so far this year, I’m going to continue with that thread throughout 2019. I will also remain on social media, and my website will stay actively beautiful and online.
So while you may not hear much about my books for a while, please know I’m still moving forward, but in a deeper way. And I sure would love for us to keep this relationship alive…
And on that note, I’d like to share an inspiring video called “The Power of Vulnerability” by a beautiful soul named Brené Brown. I hope this will end your week in a positive way – and keep you motivated well into June!
I look forward to discovering exactly what the future holds for my writing, and promise to take you with me on this journey…
May the end of May and beginning of June bring you light and joy!
All of My Heart and More,
~Anna Albergucci
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